The Balfour Declaration: 100 Years On.

At this 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration which arrives on November 2nd many  events, looking at the century of conflict the Declaration has lead to, are taking place around the country. One major one on October 31st at Methodist Central  Hall Westminster  will acknowledge Britain’s historic responsibilities in the Middle East. It will offer an opportunity to commit ourselves to support Palestinians and Israelis in building a peaceful future based on equal rights for all.

On Wednesday Oct 4 there was a spirited debate on this Declaration and some of its deleterious effects at the Frontline journalists’ club in London. It was introduced by Tim Llewellyn, former BBC Middle East correspondent on behalf of the Balfour Project. The evening was chaired by Charles Glass with contributors Ian Black, Ghada Karmi, Lord Leslie Turnberg and Dr Jabob Norris. The evening was live streamed and the Frontline Club have kindly agreed that it can be watched here. Start at 26.35 minutes

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